April 10, 1990

心斎橋ミューズホール by marco

4月10日(火) 大阪 心斎橋ミューズホール by marco


April 10 (Tues) At Shinsaibashi Muse Hall, Osaka by marco

Who would have thought I would come to Osaka like this, just for an MFQ concert, without even paying a quick visit to the popular Expo?
Shisaibashi Muse Hall was a club-style place similar to Club Quattro which they had played at during their first tour in '88. It was much smaller than Lumine Hall in Shinjuku and there was a small bar on the other side of the stairs where you could enjoy show started at 8:00 p.m., they didn't do as many songs and they didn't talk to the audience as much, but it never spoiled anything of the wonderful concert of the MFQ. A mirror ball on the ceiling reflected the lights on the stage and on the audience in the dark, producing an atmosphere which was almost beyond words. In that atmosphere we were intoxicated with the beautiful harmonies of the MFQ. I felt the audience in Osaka somehow different from that in Tokyo, just as I felt different about the people during the day. Someone called out to the members on stage, someone else made a request... i don't know whether it was because of the drinks they had or because of the excitement about the MFQ's first performance ever in Osaka, but I certainly know that everyone there was enjoying the MFQ concert. The enthusiasm during the encore was a good proof of it. Unfortunately I had to leave for Tokyo right after the show, so I have no idea of anything that happened afterwards, but I would have loved to stay longer to enjoy the feeling that remained. I was in Osaka only for the day but I know that the time I spent there will never be forgotten.

投稿者 Mika : April 10, 1990 11:38 PM
