April 12, 1990

ハートランドカフェ by Keiki

4月12日(木) 名古屋 ハートランドカフェ by Keiki

MFQジャパンツアー90の最終日は名古屋のハートランドカフェでした。真っ白な地中海風の建物の重いガラス扉を押し開けると、「BROOKLYN GIRL」が響き渡り、ガラス一枚を挟んで外とは別世界のように荘厳な雰囲気。内部は中二階もあってアーチ状の天井がとにかく高く、音が鳴り響くのもうなづけます。正面のステージ両側にギリシャ風の柱があって、ハワイとは違うけれど南国情緒を醸し出しています。ただ残念だったのはステージの前にバーカウンターがあってグラスの音などが少々うるさかったことでしょうか。しかしそんなことはまったく気にならないくらい、すばらしいコンサートだったのは言うまでもありません。
1曲めの「JORDAN RIVER」から始まり「MOONLIGHT SERENADE」「CITY OF NEW ORLEANS」と続いてアンコールの「RIU CHIU」に至るまでMFQの熱のこもった演奏に客席も大いに盛り上がりました。アンコールも一度にとどまらず2度も3度も出て来てくれて、驚きながらもとても感激しました。ついにMFQも感極まって涙声で本当に最後の「DREAM」を歌ってステージを去っていきました。

投稿者 Mika : 11:41 PM | コメント (1)

April 11, 1990

チキンジョージ by Ness

4月11日(水) 神戸 チキンジョージ BYNess

コンサートの構成そのものは、8日の東京公演や10日の大阪での公演とほぼ同じでしたが、細かいことを言うと、この日はヘンリーが「我々はMFQだ」と言うのがなく、少し寂しい気がしました。もう4回目の公演ということで、曲の紹介などもすっかり板についてなめらかに進んでいたのですが、途中で一度、ヘンリーが演奏する曲順を勘違いして違う曲を紹介してしまい、曲リストを持っていたらしいジムに訂正されるというハプニングもありました。「TOGETHER TO TOMORROW」の時に、サイラスが日本船舶振興会をどう説明するか迷って、後でマネージャーの坂本さんに日本語の説明を頼んでいたのもこの日でした。また、当日神戸は初夏を思わせるような一日で、夜になってもかなり温度が高く、始めのうちはベストを着ていたチップが途中で脱いでいたり、ジムが「乾いたタオル持って来てもらえる?」とマイクを通して言ったり、ジェリーの顔に汗が流れていたりと、ステージ上の暑さが伺えました。


April 11 (Wed) At Chicken Jeorge, Kobe by Ness

The MFQ seemed to feel at home at Chicken Jeorge where the Kobe concert was held. I hear that it remainded them of the places like Roxy and Icehouse. A while ago magazines such as Weekly Post carried a two-page color ad for BOSTON CLUB, adn the photo used there was from this concert in Kobe. I found the audience very interesting. I noticed quite a few lady fans in their twenties there. Some of them occupied the front seats, and a table in the middle was occupied by the kind of young people that I hadn't really expected to see at an MFQ concert, the kind of people with such a casual and easy response.
The show itself was about the same as those in Tokyo on the 8th and in Osaka on the 10th, but there was one thing I missed a little; Henry didn't say "Wareware-wa MFQ da," that evening. It was their fourth concert of the tour and they seemed to know exactly what to do, but there was one time when Henry started to introduce a wrong song and was corrected by Jim. Before they did 'Together To Tomorrow' Cyrus wasn't too sure of how to describe Japan Motorboat Racing Promotion Society, and asked their manager Mr. Sakamoto to explain in Japanese for the audience. It was quite a hot day as if in early summer in Kobe and it was still warm even in the evening. Chip had a vest on at first but took it off during the show, Jim asked through the microphone to bring some dry towel for them, and we could see beads of sweat on Jerry's face. It must have been very hot on stage.
After the concert Jerry and Jim seemed busy putting away their instruments but Cyrus, Henry and Chip were already there to sign autographs. There was a line of young lady fans in front of Chip, and I happened to hear one of them say in Japanese, "Oh no, from here he looks older than I thought." What a rude woman.
The performance was really good and exciting, and everyone enjoyed it very much.

投稿者 Mika : 11:40 PM | コメント (1)

April 10, 1990

心斎橋ミューズホール by marco

4月10日(火) 大阪 心斎橋ミューズホール by marco


April 10 (Tues) At Shinsaibashi Muse Hall, Osaka by marco

Who would have thought I would come to Osaka like this, just for an MFQ concert, without even paying a quick visit to the popular Expo?
Shisaibashi Muse Hall was a club-style place similar to Club Quattro which they had played at during their first tour in '88. It was much smaller than Lumine Hall in Shinjuku and there was a small bar on the other side of the stairs where you could enjoy show started at 8:00 p.m., they didn't do as many songs and they didn't talk to the audience as much, but it never spoiled anything of the wonderful concert of the MFQ. A mirror ball on the ceiling reflected the lights on the stage and on the audience in the dark, producing an atmosphere which was almost beyond words. In that atmosphere we were intoxicated with the beautiful harmonies of the MFQ. I felt the audience in Osaka somehow different from that in Tokyo, just as I felt different about the people during the day. Someone called out to the members on stage, someone else made a request... i don't know whether it was because of the drinks they had or because of the excitement about the MFQ's first performance ever in Osaka, but I certainly know that everyone there was enjoying the MFQ concert. The enthusiasm during the encore was a good proof of it. Unfortunately I had to leave for Tokyo right after the show, so I have no idea of anything that happened afterwards, but I would have loved to stay longer to enjoy the feeling that remained. I was in Osaka only for the day but I know that the time I spent there will never be forgotten.

投稿者 Mika : 11:38 PM | コメント (0)